...::: Life is Just Full of Colors :::...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Roti Jala Dengan Kari Daging

  aFinally the wish to have roti jala had came true when it was done as early as 5.45pm this evening for the 'iftar preparation..At least there is still time to wander to pasar ramadhan..hahaha nak jugak jengah..

 How to make it..?? I believe that everyone had already knew this simple dimple recipe..And as usual..i like the most simple dish to be prepare because I am IMMA..sbb kalau Imma ialah Lady of Little Parlour..I bet it would turned out soooooo perfectly..hikhiks..

Well..will do update the recipe and how to make it soon as I am now feeling soooo sleepy and tired..Penat menjala dari pukul 4ptg smpi dekat pkl 6..hikshiks..Till then and see ya..

Would You Do Anything or Just Do Nothing..?

Hey peeps..I am seeking for your personal opinion here. If...I said if..If you had came across to the situation where by there are sombody seems does not to like you for some reason that you did not know..??

Or, there are a situation where somebody does not to like you for NO REASON even though you have been soooo kind and nice to him / her and hence you have no problem with people all around you but then you feel like that you still been dislike..??

I am kind of person that very much a humble person..I like transparent and I like a truthful in friendship..I am not such a stab back kind of person..I like and will make clear the situation for something that I don't suppose being blamed and therefore people wont think something bad or wrong behind me..Owh..are that really still bad..? Tell me..

But one that I really believe in is..no matter how nice and kind you are doing..you will not be able to make satisfy everyone..That is the reason WHY Allah create HIS slave to be different for every single person.. :-)


Wishes All Malaysian a Memorable..
Great and Wonderful Moment
to have..

May all of us have such an independent live
to free of catching up our
future undertakings..

1 Malaysia Menjana Transformasi

Monday, August 30, 2010

Butterfly Shop 1st Giveaway

Right and here, the last minute entry in order to support my dearie friend giving away the super sweet gift..hikhiks..

Walupun tak pernah seumur hidup menang cabutan bertuah..tapi kali ni..Saya ingin sgt nak menang hadiah daripada Butterfly Shop giveaway ni..harap2 ada laa kut rezki dapat tudung raya kan..cuma kalau tak menang pon takpa..janji hati puas dapat bagi sokongan kat kawan-kawan..

So to those out there, there are still time to give yourself an opportunity to win the prize from this sweet giveaway from Adha, the owner of Butterfly Shop that selling variety types of tudung, shawl, pashmina and etc etc etc.

Joining the contest..?? do click HERE for simple dimple joining instruction..wee hee...Good luck all...and good luck to myself.. :-)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Auntie Rose Vanilla Custard with Mix Fruit

My very first time ever trying this for today's iftar..I am not sure how nice it is but you may want to finished it all once they reach to your mouth..ngeee..perasann..!!

 Hasil air tangan haku..!!! yippie yummie..

I am thanking Auntie Rose for her kindness to share this simple dimple secret recipe. Sorry as I do not know if she has her own link, will update with it if so, but if you have anything in your mind to bake, PM me for the place to go to get the recipe from Auntie rose..hikhiks..

Well, here you go the super simple recipe from Auntie Rose.

1 litre of full cream milk
120g vanilla flan
2 table spoon of condensed creamer
2 cups of Mix fruit of your choice

And the way to prepare:
Heat the milk to boil, then pour the vanilla flan all into the boiled milk and stir them until they well blended.
Put in the condensed creamer and the mix fruit of your choice. Heat until they almost boiled then you may want to turn the stove off.
Pour everything into the container and left it to cool naturally. After all, it's your choice to put it in the fridge or don't as it is ready to be serve.

Is that simple..?? Happy cooking.. :-)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Setahun Yang tak Terasa Lalunya

Suddenly I feel like uploading these sweet pics of my little one. A year almost passed without we realize..
These are the few collection of pics during our last year Eids that been celebrated at my mom's hometown, Muar Johor.

ihiks ihiks..sungguh bergaya..doesn't he.?? :-D

OK sekarang dah kenyang...wee huuu...Poor the tiny bib seperti tidak diperlukan lagi..tsk tsk tsk..nak pi sambaq duit raya punya pasal terus campak..huh..!

Danish a.k.a Boboy whom was soooo excited with his 'green envelope'..

This is the one and only pic with my beloved boys that I have in my keeping of 2009 Eids..
Tahun ni tema apa pulak yerk....TUNGGUUUU..... ;-)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sepetang di Kampung Atuk

The weekend time spent with the little time being at MIL house last Saturday and Sunday, with my to beloved boys of course. And the most excited was my little boy wandering around. He had a much fun moment while scouting all over the ground wading with the sand..

The rambutan tree just beside the house providing the surrounding that so calm and dim.

Hubby was unloading the luggage from the bonnet while the little boy was measuring the ground and counting the pieces of the sand and gravel..hiks hiks..

In the evening, there were a good time spent picking the rambutans..bekalan bukak posa...as the little boy was so much nagging asking for 'putan-putan' (rambutan).

Click on the picture to view the large image and there you will see the mils of rambutans on the tree at the back of the MIL's house..wee.....heaaaaven... :-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Amalan Baik Di Bulan Ramadhan

"Jika seseorang wanita menunaikan solat lima waktu, berpuasa sebulan ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya, mentaati suaminya, nescaya dia dapat masuk ke mana-mana saja pintu syurga menurut kehendakinya." 
What the most that we can do in this holy month of Ramadhan..?? it's too much of stuffs between the one that we wanted to do or the other way round..
This 5 cent entry is intended to share some info that I have in my keeping about the good practise that we can do during this month to get the  pleased from Allah..
1. Niat Kerana Allah

Sebenarnya inilah ibadah tertinggi. Ia meningkatkan ingatan kita kepada Allah dalam apa jua pekerjaan atau amal yang kita lakukan. Bukan sahaja semua ibadah syar'ie menjadikan niat kerana Allah itu sebagai rukun (eg: solat, puasa, haji atau zakat), malah niatlah kerana Allah bila nak pergi kerja, naik kenderaan, makan dan minum, tidur malah ke tandas sekalipun. Niat itu hanya lintasan hati,tidak perlu dilafazkan teratur. yang penting, kita buat kerana Allah - demi-Nya dan kerana-Nya. Niat ini mendorong kita meng-ikhlaskan diri dalam menegakkan agama Allah. Ikhlas di hati ini, tiada yang tahu kecuali Allah - dan Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui seikhlas mana kita.

Baik juga ditambah doa memohon kebaikan dari apa yang kita nak lakukan itu. Lafazkan Bismillah di lidah untuk memulakan amal dan tugas tersebut. Insya Allah, niat dan lafaz Bismillah ini akan mengingatkan kita pada Allah, dan takut untuk melanggar larangan-Nya. mana ada orang berani berjudi, minum arak atau ponteng kerja - diniatkannya kerana Allah.. ada ??

2. Tasbih - Subhanallah. Kalimah ini amat mulia untuk diucap, seperti ayat ke 83 Surah Al-Waqiah: "Maka bertasbihlah kepada Tuhanmu yang Maha Agung", juga ayat pertama Al-A'la: "Dan bertasbihlah (persucikanlah) nama Tuhanmu yang Maha Tinggi".

3. Tahmid - Alhamdulillah.

4. Takbir - Allahu Akbar.

5. Tahlil - La ilaha illallah.

6. Hauqalah - La haulawala quwwata illa billah.

7. Istighfar - Astaghfirullah.

8. Salawat - Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad.

9. Doa
Berdoalah, mintalah apa jua sekehendak kita, walau mengadukan gatal di hujung telinga pada-Nya, atau kehilangan sebelah selipar. Sebaiknya doa meliputi dua perkara: mohon kepadanya segala kebaikan dan mohon perlindungan-Nya dari perkara yang tidak disukai. Cara berdoa: mulakan dengan memuji Allah (Alhamdulillah ...), salawat, ...(doa) ... dan ditutup dengan salawat serta memuji Allah. Allah berfirman: "Berdoalah kepadaku, nescaya Aku memperkenankannya."

Jangan berputus asa berdoa, doa itu tugas kita dan selebihnya serahkan pada Allah SWT. Elakkan mudah kecewa jika doa tidak terkabul, Allah telah mendengarnya. Cuma Dia sayangkan kita, Dia suka kita mengadu padanya. Tetap ada rahmat dan anugerahNya, jika tidak di dunia tentu disimpan-Nya di akhirat nanti.

10. Membaca Al-Qur'an - kelebihan yang tiada tolok bandingnya. Jika sesuatu amal itu diberi 10 pahala ganjaran, membaca satu huruf Al-Qur'an sudah bernilai 10 pahala. Nabi menyatakan, "Alif Lam Mim (eg: awal Surah Baqarah) itu bukanlah satu huruf, tetapi tiga huruf". Bacaan "Qul huwaLLahu Ahad" - ayat pertama Surah Al-Ikhlas itu sahaja mengandungi 11 huruf. Jika ikhlas membacanya, 2-3 saat dah dapat 110 pahala kebaikan. Senang kan?

10.  Memberi salam - Assalaamu'alaikum.
Nabi kata: "Allah itu As-Salaam (Maha Sejahtera. Maka sebarkanlah salam di kalangan kamu." Bukankah baik kita saling mendoakan orang Islam lain dengan kesejahteraan. Dan tentu dia pula akan mendoakan kita pula dengan "Wa'alaikumussalam".  Paling baik, kita beri salam pada orang ramai, dan yang akan membalas salam nanti cukup ramai. Best.
Therefore, you may want to or you can do any kind of the good things even though it is just a little practice.. only thing is to be consistent as that is much better and preferred by our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W compare to doing them so hardly but in the end you left and lack for other that you are suppose to do.. :-)
Selamat beramal
Fadhilat terawikh malam ke-dua: - Diampunkan dosa-dosa orang yang beriman yang mengerjakan Solat terawih berserta dosa-dosa kedua ibubapanya..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

AhlanWasahhlan Ya Ramadhan

Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan..
Bersyukur kita kerana dipertemukan lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun ini.
Selamat Berpuasa Muslimin Muslimat Seluruh Dunia

Lafaz Niat Puasa Ramadhan:
"Sahaja aku puasa esok hari - (kerana mengerjakan) fardhu bulan Ramadhan pada tahun ini -
kerana Allah Ta'ala"

Pada malam 1 Ramadhan, elok ditambah perkataan Arab 'kullihi' (bermaksud: sekeliannya) sebelum lafaz '..LiLLahi Ta'ala'. Jika dibaca, ia bermaksud kita berniat puasa itu merujuk semua/sekelian/seluruh hari dalam bulan Ramadhan. Contohnya seperti berikut:

"Sahaja aku puasa esok hari - (kerana mengerjakan) fardhu bulan Ramadhan pada tahun ini ,
sekeliannya- kerana Allah Ta'ala"

Jika berniat seperti di atas pada malam pertama Ramadhan, sedangkan terlupa niat pada mana-mana malam sepanjang Ramadhan, menurut pandangan Mazhab Syafi'e - puasanya sah.  

Doa Berbuka Puasa:
 "Ya Allah bagi Engkau aku berpuasa; dan dengan Engkau beriman aku; dan dengan rezeki Engkau aku berbuka; dengan rahmat-Mu - wahai Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang"

 Sama-samalah kita Lipatgandakan Amalan Kebaikan.
Semoga kita semua diampuni dan dirahmati Allah, serta dijauhkan dari api neraka..

Kelebihan Bersolat Terawih pada malam pertama Ramadhan:-
Telah keluar orang mukmin daripada dosanya pada malam pertama seperti ia baru dilahirkan, dengan lain perkataan segala dosanya diampunkan Allah S.W.T.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Petua Menasihati Yang Tersayang..

I got this petua HARI INI from one of my very good friend's blog, Adha..we used to advise each other since we knew each other. She is such a good person as I knew her a long time ago..

Well, it is much useful to me since I was in such a bad mood these days..I just can't stand for this long for little boy to be the one of innocent fellow to get the trace of my angers..tsk tsk tsk..but I did not meant to be that way but only I feel he has reach to the terrible two stage..sangat menduga kesabaran..

Therefore, i really love to share this with all readers too instead to make it as a great ever tips for myself in educating and advising my boy or even my two boys that I have..

Come and get it for the sake to benifit us as mommies and wifey.
What we may want or need to do is.. 
1. Semasa anak atau isteri/suami kita sedang tidur inilah waktu yang paling sesuai terutamanya diwaktu dua pertiga malam, kerana fikiran bawah sedarnya (sub-conscius mind) adalah paling optimum ketika ini. Yang tidur hanyalah conscius mind (minda sedar).

2.Sentuhkan ibu jari anda ke langit-langit dan kemudian sentuhlah dengan halus ibu jari anda ke
ubun - ubun orang yang ingin anda nasihati. 

3. Semasa ibu jari di atas ubun-ubun selawatlah ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhamad dan bacalah surah al-fatihah. Kemudian terus dengan berzikir di dalam hati dan jangan putuskan zikir anda. 

4. Angkat ibu jari anda,kalau boleh janganlah di putuskan zikir didalam hati dan bercakaplah dengan suara yang agak perlahan agar tidak sampai mengejutkanya. Beritahulah apa yang ingin anda beritahunya. Nasihatilah orang yang anda sayangi dengan apa sahaja nasihat yang anda inginkan. Jangan putuskan zikir anda, supaya zikir itu masuk bersama dengan nasihat anda. 

5. Anda akan dapat melihat reaksi yang dia sedang menerima pernyataan anda iaitu kelopak matanya bergerak-gerak. Insyallah saya doakan diri saya dan anda berjaya dengan kaedah ini.

Sama-samala kita berusaha ke arah kebaikan..Amin..
Thaks a lot Adha..InsyaAllah..semoga apa yang kita usahakan menerima keredaan dan keberkatan dariNYA..

Sharing is caring anyway.. :-)

Shopping & Dapat Duit.. :-D

Me and hubby had planned to go for fragrances shopping at Queensbay Jusco yesterday but suddenly I only realized in the very last minute that the date had clashed with the school event.

I came home at a time that was sooo late in the afternoon already. The event took a very long time in place from the time it is suppose to be due to the weather that not so good yesterday. It was raining since morning up to almost 12 o'clock in the afternoon. But great to all my lovely students that they performed and contribute so perfectly..Good dear..

Back to the plan, since I came back to home at about 4pm in the evening, we had seems need to postpone the plan but it was a NO NO for me to cancel it but on the other hand..I was really really tired..tsk tsk tsk..

But still, we made it after Maghrib prayer, we headed to QBay Mall Jusco and the intention stick to the ONE and only, to buy fragrances..

 The couple set of DKNY "Be Delicious" perfume for us..dapat free gift lagii..shower gel and travel bag on top of that 5 pcs of RM20 Jusco voucher..weeeee....

Since yesterday is the day to those that shopped fragrance for RM100 and above, they will get RM20 Jucso voucher..Much to more than OK so that's why I still want to go on the day..OK laaa dapat laa 5 RM20 voucher...lepas ni boleh pi shopping lagi..ada vaucer kann...hikhikss...