...::: Life is Just Full of Colors :::...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Congratulation to my Sister for Her 3rd Newly-born Baby GirL

Introducing Nureen Jannatul Auni..my 3rd little girl niece whom was born on 20th December 2010 @7.46am in the morning..and she was 3.85kg at birth..fair and healthy..Syulur alhamdulillah..Thank God for this value boon... Congratulation to my sister..

Seriously I am so envy of her chubbiness..her cuteness..and all about her..She makes me to recalls about the arrival of my own little angel more than 2 years back..They are almost similar..and I miss that moment so bad..

My little angel when he was at 1 day old, Muhammad Danish Wafiq :-) whom now has grew bigger and taller and more smarter...huh..dah besaq anak mummy sekaranggg...I miss the old memoirs while you was still bf-ing..I miss our silent conversation where no one could understand but only the two of us..I miss your cry and miss all about little baby moment of yours..I love you my dear boy and will love you until the end of my breath and to hereafter..

Tapi bila tanya "boboy nak baby tak...?? baby comellll..baby best..." and guess what he had responded..?? "Taknak..~sambil menggeleng kepala~ Baby tak best..Boboy best.." padahal he was so excited nak peluk and nak cium bukan main lagiii..Come on boy, I could see the jealousness in your word..in your eyes and in your action hokeyhh!!  :-P "Cakap laa nak baby Boboy...baru laa mummy cepat dapat baby and Boboy boleh dapat adik..ada laa kawan nak main...;-) "

OK..till here for now..nak pegi hosp lagi nak tgk baby..nak dukung lagi..nak peluk cium..gomoi habis2an sebelom dia dibawak balik ke rumah kakak aku..nanti dah jarang pulak nak menjenguk sbb sekolah dah nak mula...huhuhuu...tataaa..

Cheers ;-)


Nurul Ulfa said...

wah...a new baby girl..tahniah to ur sister!
doa-doa bagi berjangkit ke Imma *wink*

Nonny Atika said...

wah!!mmg chubby! imma bila nak ada 1 new chubbybaby for urself? :)

Imma said...

Nonny Atika:
Haaa...very the chubby kann..kalah my lil son yang agak chubby jugak tuu..hihi...
Alaa..tanya jer ker Nonny..doa2 laa as I memang on plan nak menambah ponn cuma belom sampai rezeki laa..huhu...

Imma said...

Aminnn...tak sabar nak menerima jangkitan itu..hihihii..insyaAllahh