And therefore, he had excitedly got one HTC MAGIC for him some time around in last year December. That time there was a crazy promotion price of it and he was that time like can't wait until he fetch me at home to go to PC Fair together and buy it. He went all alone and suddenly came back with the gadget. OMG..abggg...abgg...
Since when I do not sure he started addicted to this but things that I really sure is it will be until forever he will die for it..hahahhaaa..
Last week, he was celebrating his 33rd birthday and guess what, he got the new gadget and of course it is again Android. What else for this time..Now he had fallen to NEXUS One..And sad it is not from me..hiks hiks as he online shop it by himself..Syg tak dpt gaji lagi nak beli adiah abg.. :-(
New NEXUS One belongs to Mr Hubby that had been poisoned quite a number of his friends to get addicted too..huh..!
Bagus gak laa as his Magic is now given to me..hehehe..Orang lain celebrate birthday..orang lain dapat adiah..Thank you my dear..mmuah mmuahh..
Bagus gak laa as his Magic is now given to me..hehehe..Orang lain celebrate birthday..orang lain dapat adiah..Thank you my dear..mmuah mmuahh..
But Dear, there still will be the birthday present for you from your beloved wifey but only time will tell..Tunggu sattt ja masa lagi naa dia dapat gaji.. :-)
oh tidakkk!jgn diracuni fikiran suamiku..hahaha...selamat amin ?TAK BERAPA gila gadget, kalau tak sure duit dia abeh kat situ ja. skang ni duit abeh kat keta ngn bini hahaha
wuishh..ok laa pantang ada duit..bnyk yg dia nk beli..kdg tuh mengarut2..cakap bnyk2 satgi jadi lain plak..last2 takpa laa biaq laa..(tp kdg2 marah-marah manja jugak) :-(
"Amin..TAK BERAAPA gila gadget..!! haa tuu dia Amin..habaq sat.." :-P
imma, hahaha..amin ni kalau gila gadget pun tak mampu nak membeli haha.takat nak beli seluaq jeans sehelai puuunnn dok pikiaq seribu kali tambah nak beli benda beribu2 ringgit. hahahaha, nasiibbbb laaaa ;-)
Ok dear you are now officially Androider. Pls treat it with care ya.
Mrs. Drama Mama,
Mr. Amin himself insisted to be poisoned with heavy dose. I'm just doing him a favor. Kindly take note. :p
ahahahaa...xpaa..dia beli benda lain kat bai.. ;-)
ahaks..syg dah ditauliahkan kaa Abg..heheh..mmuahh mmuahh..TQ Darling..
Mama: tuu dia Bai..kena jaga2 erk..I was failed and there fore dia terjebak smpi ke NEXUS kira untung jugak laa, ima dapat habuan jugak.. :-P
hahahahaha....aku memang mintak untuk diracuni...malangnya aku masih kebal...pasai duit bonus nak kena setel strata title...huahahahaha...
Alah Amin..naik pangkat kann..apa nak pikiaq..?? belen dari strata title tuh banyak lagi apa...buleh aihhh
sooo sweet gift from Mr Hubby.. ;-)
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