I had a super wonderful weekend as well as a holiday through out this year last weekend as we could gather all of my family members to have our family holiday and made it as a trip..where we had been..Yess..Pangkor..the place of interest where we could have a lot of activities far away from all the messiness..I love holiday..But why it is part II..here you go for Part I trip.
Banyak nak cerita tentang trip 3 hari ke Pangkor ni but I don't really good in telling it in a story..mesti panjang gilaa nanti..but i'll make it as interesting as I could to share the golden experience that I have had...
On last Friday as early as 7am we had left home for our trip..met my sister at Juru and cont our journey drive to Lumut..semua org (hubby, my sisters, BIL) took leaved on Friday as 2 days to go for trip won't be enuff..even 3 days pun berlalu tak terasa..Reached Lumut @10.30am and straight away boarding with the ferry to Pangkor and reached the island at about 11.30am..catch for the transport and chalet was almost passing the lunch time..

On the first day, after checked in and had lunch at chalet, everyone would like to take some rest before we go for the next activities..MEMANCING..!!! at around 4pm, we headed out for fishing activity at one of jetty near by to Teluk Nipah..and imagine..naik motor..konvoi sama2..hubby was carrying me, BIL with his wifey, youngest sis carrying mom and my another younger sis with our niece.. :-D ~funny but fun..really..!! After fishing apa lagi..mandi manda laa..picnic..and the most enjoyed the day were of course the kiddos.. ;-) love to see them sooo happy...

some of the activities that held on the first day got there..funny and fun..look at the pic which everyone with the cutest helmot on head...hahahhaa.....!!!! we were like laughing at each other..masing2 muka lawak pakai helmet sekerat.. ~ROTFL~
At night, we went for jalan2 on the beach, and there are a lot of shops selling stuffs like souvenirs, beach shirts and shorts etc..gerai makan and all...Its only Friday night but there already a lot of people..We get some stuffs like moms bought some shirts, souvenirs but unlike me, i felt like not buying anything..cari dress for picnic semuanya tak berkenan..
On the 2nd day, we had such wonderful day again..Left the chalet at very early in the morning for boating, snorkel of course..and other fun activities such like riding jet ski..wohhooo...actually the rate here was waayyyy expensive compare to Penang..maybe because of their fuel transport cost the rate to be sooo high..but once in a while to have fun..yoo..go for it yeaa...!!
Why we have to be early..nak kejar masa..takut lewat sikit nanti ramai sgt org..one of the beach boy had suggested us to be early..yes it was true..at the time we been to the beach pun dah ramai org and the boat keep go and back sending and taking people to Pulau Giam for snorkeling..Here are some pf the activities that were held on half of the day 2 being at the beach..

In the afternoon at around 4.30pm, we again...convoy..!! naik moto seyhhh...!! pegi round pulau..taking pic and singgah ke kilang buat sate ikan and sotong kering..what else other than shopping..!! We bough such like fish and squid satay..pilih punya pilih..skali TINGGG..!! almost hundred..hubby yg bayar who else ;-) and after that he said.."woahh..!!jajan jaa berpuluh ringgit..." hahahha..skali skala dear.. ;-) ~wink~ and of course there are some for MIL..
meronda2 pusing pulau..shopping at Pekan Pangkor and here you go some of the piccas.. ;-)DAY 3
The last day we were there and now time to say sayonara..time to go back ans very less of half day activities..Planned to go to the beach for the last time for kiddos before leaving, but end up has to be cancel as we don't want then to feel so tired while boarding in the ferry, takut mabuk laut..And the plan had been changed to SHOPPING again..sister beli baju for her kids and i get this for me and boboy as hubby don't feel like to have one after enticing him thousands of time..
After packing and getting ready for check out, here are some pics for the last but not least..Super duper fun time we ever had of this year..Tgh hari after checked out and sent back all the motorbikes, we headed to jetty for boarding back to Lumut but still there were times for photos.. ;-)

So anyone would like to have their holiday, here you may want to consider to go to...Pangkor..such a freedom and nice place to be.. ;-) ~wink wink~
more photo click:

wahh...bestnye family trip ke pangkor...teringat kenangan pi pangkor dulu2...
hehehee..aa ahh kan..ko honeymoon kst Pangkor kan..aku sesajer jer gi jalan ke Pangkor time tuh..kira hanimun jugak laa sbb baru jugak pas kawen..2nd hanimun as the actual honeymoon we been to Cameron.. ;-) tp mmg sgt bess klu pegi beraktiviti...
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