...::: Life is Just Full of Colors :::...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mummy panic bila tengok darah.. :-(

It happened this afternoon when I was feeding Boboy with his lunch meal while he was playing with his little ride. When he almost about to finished his meal, suddenly while putting his little ride upside down, it was accidentaly knocked to his lower lip and there were a lot of blood came out..

Mummy felt panic and blank like don't know what to do and quickly took his bath towel and slowly dap and wipe the blood on his lip, gave him a warm water to drink..Thank GOD that it not that much tapi mummy pening jugak laa tengok darah tuu.. :-(

aduihh..apa laa hang nih Boboy..This was a part of the towel that been used to wipe the blood from his lip..Poor my little boy..tapi tuh laa kan..kalau tidak bukan lelaki laa org kata..mcm2 hal dia nih.. :-D


Drama Mama said...

Jantannya boboy ni..machola...i loikkkkeeee..-amin kata-

Imma said...

ahahahaa..melasak tu melasak jugak tapi penakut and kuat nangis..ikot sapa taktaw..!!hikhikhiks..

Nadiah Sidek said...

hari tu pun sy panik ternampak darah keluar dr mulut safiyyah..terus call suami suruh balik..huhu

Azmiezas said...

Lasak jugak ya..boboy u tu..

Imma said...

Haa Azmiezaas..mmg sangat lasak skrg..makin besar makin menjadi2 kelasakannya..Ksrg pi jenjalan stroller tuh kegunaannya 10-15% jer dari waktu kitorg kluar tuh..selebihnya kena dukung and kejar dia berlari..hahahahaa

Imma said...

wahh..tu lagi kritikal punya panic tuh..Imma panic tuh panic jugak tp nak tak nak kena handle laa kan..sambil menggigil laa jadiknya..huhuuu

Lady of Leisure said...

ciannya boboyyy...

Imma said...

Haa..tuu laa sian sgt bila tgk muka nangis sambil tersebik2 manja tuu..air mata mengalir beriya2..hehehee (tak baik kan gelak..:-P)

idah said...

betul tu kak...klu xlasak bukan laki namanya...hehehe

bagus la boboy aktif..pemikiran pun aktif..hehehe

Imma said...

yess idah..their mind is develop when they are playing..and that time they are actually learning and being creative.. :-) nanti dah ada anak kena train dia lasak jugak..but reasonable laa kan.. :-D weee...